New Year, New Race – Step One: Done

I did it! I completed my first 30 Day Challenge and I feel AMAZING! Not only because I achieved awesome results, but more because I finished something I started. I didn’t give up. I believed in myself and pushed myself like never before.

This was a 30 Day Challenge that included an exercise plan, a healthy eating plan, and daily protein shakes. The thing that took it to the next level was the accountability – I was part of a group on facebook (a secret group, so no one else saw us!) of other people making strides toward a lifestyle change and healthy habits. It was so incredible to be a part of a group all working toward the same goal – to be our healthiest selves!
I’m pretty shocked at the results I achieved. Physically, I lost weight, went down a pant size, and toned and strengthened my whole body. The physical changes are really such a reflection of the changes I feel inside. I have gained confidence, gained belief in myself, gained courage, and gained a better understanding of my responsibility to myself and others as God’s temple.
It doesn’t end here. Like I said before, I plan to make this a real, true lifestyle change, not just a quick fix diet. I’m about to start on another 30 Day Challenge and I can’t wait to see how the Lord will use this next 30 days. I know he will continue to transform me and I hope that in the process I’m able to bring Him glory.
If there’s anyone out there who would like to join me in these challenge groups, please let me know! New ones are staring every month!

New Year, New Race – Little by Little

Something I’ve realized in this process of lifestyle change is that results take TIME. I know – duh. It is so obvious and so common sense, but when it comes down to it, time is a really difficult thing to accept, at least for me.

I feel so deceived by the world on the subject of time! This day in age, with all the technology and incredible information right at our fingertips, we are so used to getting the answers we want instantly. Don’t know something? Just google it. Not sure where that restaurant is? Google maps! Not sure what to make for dinner? Hop on Pinterest and find a good recipe. While you’re there, go ahead and look up a workout that will burn off all the calories you plan to eat at dinner!

It all seems so quick and easy.

Prior to becoming pregnant the first time, I never had to put much thought into my overall health. I ate relatively healthy, I worked out a few times a week at the gym, I had a healthy body image and felt confident in how I looked. It was all pretty easy at that point. Once I became pregnant, my body changed – in a beautiful, glorious, God-given way! – but it changed. It was no longer “quick and easy” for me to eat healthy. I had to try to balance my time with a newborn, then a toddler, which often meant meeting his physical needs first and then me eating whatever was available, or quick, or whatever tasted the best to give me some comfort. Exercise became infrequent if it was happening at all. I said good bye to the gym membership and relied on home workout DVDs which were a little too easy to say “no” to, especially when I only had 30 minutes here or an hour there to try to squeeze it in and would much rather lay on the couch.

Up until about a month ago I wanted quick fixes and expected fast results. I was willing to put in some effort here and there to reach small, short term goals, but I wasn’t making changes I could or would stick with. After having 2 babies and going through all the changes physically (and mentally) that go with that, quick fixes just weren’t going to do the trick anymore. I needed a real, long-term lifestyle change. That is what I have done and it feels so amazingly good!

The thing I’m learning so much about during all of this is that this idea of changing “little by little” doesn’t just apply to my body and making physical changes. It is how God works too. I’ve been the same way with God as with my body in the past – quick fixes and fast results. I wanted to pray today for something to happen tomorrow. I want to do a quick keyword search online to find a meaningful bible verse rather than taking the time to commit them to memory. I want to go to bible study once a week, but if I don’t manage to do the homework every day, well that’s ok. How have I expected God to transform my heart to be more like His if the only effort I’m putting in is infrequent and inconsistent?

It takes daily commitment. It takes daily discipline. It takes daily effort. And I’m learning that if I am willing to make the effort every single day, even if the results take longer for me to see, I will be transformed so that suddenly, I’ll look in the mirror 6 months from now and barely recognize the person I see. I will see the best version of myself I’ve ever seen, inside and out. And the beauty is that the transformation will continue, little by little, for the rest of my life. It is a steady uphill hike, not a roller coaster. I am SO thankful to be learning this lesson and making it true in my life!

2 Years


I have gotten so behind in the little ones’ updates – James has been TWO for over a MONTH! It is still hard for me to believe. Our little man puts a smile on our face every single day. While we are seeing some instances of the so-called “terrible twos,” he is such a sweet, fun, happy boy. And really, I think the terrible twos are sort of misleading. People talk about it like these kids are just out of control crazy, but I think what it really is is that he is getting so independent and wants to try to do everything that he can for himself, and who can blame him?? A very common phrase to be heard coming out ofJames’ mouth these days is “my do it!” Up and down the stairs, throwing away trash, closing doors, reading bedtime stories, even fixing dinner…. my do it!

James is talking up a storm and putting together whole sentences by himself. He repeats EVERYTHING – so watch what you say! He is very observant and he likes to tell you what he’s seeing, describing things in his own ways. He is understanding concepts like “over there” or “on top,” and he knows his colors extremely well.


His absolute favorite activities are puzzles and reading books. I think we have a smarty-pants on our hands! He will sit and do puzzles over and over and over again, and he is so good at them! And he loves to read. His #1 favorite book is “Curious George Makes Pancakes,” which I’m pretty sure everyone in our family has memorized word for word.


James is still a picky eater but what he likes, he really likes. His favorite food is probably cereal. Any kind! He eats about 3 bowls of cereal for breakfast every morning. He loves apple sauce pouches, which sometimes sneak in veggies so thankfully he does get a vegetable or two in his system every now and then… he also loves blueberries and yogurt, and “daddy crackers,” which can be wheat thins or cheese its; whatever we happen to have that daddy likes to eat 🙂

IMG_6944We’ve entered movie territory with James, where he actually wants to sit and watch movies or shows. His favorite show is still Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood although recently he has also been pretty into Super Why. He is very into Frozen…. what kid isn’t these days? And he also loves to watch “Woody” (Toy Story) and Vegetales!


James loves to be outside! He got lots of fun sports equipment for his birthday and Christmas, so on nice days we can be found on the back deck playing the James version of T-ball – hit the ball off the tee, touch 2 bases, kick the soccer ball into the goal, and yell “Touchdown!” He is just too stinking cute. Even more basic, he loves to RUN! All over the house, all over the yard, is “ready, set, go!” and then “more running?!” Whatever it takes to get some of that boundless energy out!


James has been such a sweet big brother to Neely. He hasn’t acted jealous of her at all! Every morning its “Good morning NeNe” with a kiss. And just today in the car he looked over and said, “Hi NeNe!” He is so good to her and I am so proud of him.

We love our boy and couldn’t be more excited to continue watching him grow – it is happening fast!